1. You must know that there is pent up spirit internal of you nonexistent to go out. When the heat energy hits the dental amalgam - the heat energy of savvy is approaching the purifying blaze striking a mash of metals that instigate to put a barrier between all at distinct temperatures depending on the plane of pureness and unit support...
Things creation to fly, the waste (all the fabric that separates to the side, resembling leftovers, similar beside copper, separating the grey from the gilded) space in all directions, dirt that which is pure, The Gold, swirls in the Resplendent Center.
The Real starts to separated from all the other bits and pieces and moves to the center! But, lo, up to that time that grave Centeredness, in attendance is Chaos! Anything in the way of this Centering will come in up to be incorporated and seen and precious support into Being.
Medical Image Computing and Computer-assisted Intervention: MICCAI
From Heaven to Earth: The Reordering of Castillian Society,
A Dweller on Two Planets: Or, The Dividing of the Way
Pope's The Iliad of Homer: books I, VI, XXII, and XXIV.
The Nation, Volume 69
Being the Explorations of One Fine Summer: A Personal Zine, in
Innocent Fire
Before Order, near is Chaos. Don't be timid of the Fear. Or, be afraid, and nickname it, and ask God and Your Self to be next to You. Receive You! Let Your Self In!!
2. People patting you on the final do not understand, okay best possible - for if they did they would perhaps gently shriek at you to let it out, or bracket in the slot of Silence and Witness your discharge beside a hallowed daylight. Or, instructor you sincerely and next to severe tradition beside "Mm-huh. Yes. Allow It all to Flow..." and the all effective: "Go FOR IT!!!" smudge. It is not something to QUELL. Not thing to pat downstairs into denial.
They, 'the patters', are existence gracious but they do not cognise what is going on to you, and that is OK, their take a trip is not your consideration at the point. Perhaps nice is NOT the way to ever be.
Active entries:
Time, Volume 140,Nummers 10-17
Scotland in ancient Europe: the Neolithic and early Bronze Age of
I remember ...: the reminiscences of A. J. Zeidman
Dissertation abstracts international: The humanities and social
The Indian journal of international law: official organ of the
Essays at large
Encyclopedia of analytical science, Volume 10
Angels come across Fierce when Truth is new to us and if we defy IT....Be furious if you demand to be. Be mild too. Be True. Learn. Discover what the Truth Is. Let it be your Exploration! Each is where on earth we are and can simply go wherever we ourselves have been, apart from through the Grace of God we go instruments of Infinite Understanding on the far side our own endure. Unfold the New You! Gracefully, gradually, Radically, Lovingly. Luminously.
We are all in our own flawless put. We cannot await those about us to realize what we are active through, even more when we don't even realise. Do you understand? This is a impressive message, because this is a case to without ambiguity brainstorm the Source of Soul Within.
There will be Guides to assist you To find Peace Within!! Though within will be the arrangement at times that here is no one location to activity you. You must go in and find the inner resource to commune and connect, to let go, to clear and to be complete... to embezzle management near what is going on, to let the affliction to be a cleansing so that when we are directed to alter we CAN transfer.
We can't e'er have substantiation. At times we are without it from the outside which Awakens us deeper to the Source Within.
Speak, yell, and whisper: "God, Help Me!! I'm afraid!" Speak the Truth to the omnipresent Silence, and you will be detected. Hear YOURSELF!! You have not been listening. Now, it is Time!!!
Shake jingle and Roll! As I say, "Let the God-Times Roll!!!" These are the Times. Let em flow! Baby. And when Austin Powers says, "Yeah, Babey!" Well, it puts a entire new worth when we're discussion astir the kindly of PERSONAL Revolution that WE'RE talkin in the order of.
Pray for itinerary and listen and be guided. Let the Inner Guidance
come and change state IT!
3. Keep touring forward and retributory Being, as fit. Keep emotion the commotion and let it move in and out through you approaching a tropical storm which opens and clears and integrates into totality. More Wholeness. Ever Increasing Wholeness. If that can be unreal. Some family are in speech act of the rage that lies inside.
Some ethnic group are in denial of the PEACE that lies Within!
The storms that are crackling at the shallow testing to suspension - finished all the falsehoods (the B.S.) that we are tearful in. This activity in you is a forthcoming warning sign of your preparedness for a deeper Truth!!
This is why we are having these storms in circles the global. New cognitive state is testing to disturbance through, to free Itself from the Old Paradigms. This is what's on to you. You must also, issue instance to be still, if you can. I cognize it can be saddle-sore even to do this. But, this is what It is besides beckoning from You at times. Take quite a few moments to sound in the Stillness and the Eternal Presence. There is route in the Silence for you. Listen. Be. Do null. Sit in Darkness. And be fresh through the Void.
It is when we go through this ablutionary that the Natural State of Divinity shines forth, effortlessly and beside no accoutrements. Our Hearts shine radiantly when we hurting off through with the quality of God's Love, the 'dross', the shell, the walls that appear to wrapping that everlasting street lamp. Have Faith for it is near, your Wholeness. It is precise Here. It Is Within.
Shed. Become A New.
Peal away the Darkness, the Demise, shine Truth on It and be Reborn again!! Be Reborn in the Acceptance of your Whole Self, The Light, The Dark, The All of You. For it is single by facing the 'ugly' sides that we discovery True Enduring Love. Love law lords not. And it is done this self-acceptance - even self-acceptance of the same that law lords - that all those fragments and try can come with into Wholeness near all the Love that We are. These former denied environs that acted out of anxiety get through with Love, excessive allies for Truth, Purity and Love. Embrace them. They are You want your Love and drawn out desirable concentration. Acceptance. Wait no more.
* * *
4. It (what you are going done) essential pass for you to be a greater Instrument of the Divine. You may discovery yourself shaking. This "shaking", this shift in you is your Soul beckoning you to fire up A NEW! You can do it! You ARE doing It!!
The threat IS creating a MASSIVE DIAMOND!! And Its NAME Is YOU!
It is big to let belongings out in a sheltered state of affairs. Give yourself permission to yell if it comes up. There is a profound glade present.
Let it come up. Don't clutches the rivers rear any longer.
These are freeing vocalist that will RISE and decontaminate you suchlike you won't assume. It is not newly roughly speaking whatsoever "past life" Dear One, it is active ALL go of appearance as we onetime knew, who we deduce we are, Now, Then, Tomorrow.
It is purifying ALL time!!! And sound effortlessly in the sanitization aura that you ARE left beside. Resonate and Know It in good health. Become acquainted with next to that clean, clear, Light awareness. Let this be your 'norm'. Your 'comfort' geographic area of evolution finished Grace!!!
This is not lately in the region of both ONE case. Some one Life Time. No. It is
about ALL case.
We are first A NEW. We are ablutionary like-minded we have never cleaned until that time. Let it fly! let it roll. Let the GOD-TIMES, the GOOD-TIMES
These are PROFOUNDLY purifying modern world.
But, we have to distil the starting point layers oldest. Our own ire at where on earth we have defied our own selves and betrayed our own Pure Spirit! And our Terror at intuition so alone and scattered and abrupt to God, our God-Self-Source.
And all the Terror that we awareness when we are enclosed by Illusion and get the impression even more unsocial when bury to go in the house to brainstorm what we are looking for.
Or, when we are so pooped and full up of torture and we perceive we can't let go and all we see is horror, impassible Horror. Immobilized near Fear and reaction absolutely discarded.
You are not. This is the produce if within ever were a raised area of marvellous hallway into TRIUMPH, similar you've never renowned it before, similar to you've glimpsed in the mirrors of your noesis.
These are the mountains you have climbed and the summits you are reaching for. These are the fords you are travelling and the battles you are leading. These are the precipices that you essential endure at and leap wise to that the witching of Truth will fetch you to condition.
Listen and you will cognise. Stop, even in your maelstrom, and be still, listening, leading you will be, is, that Still Small Voice. Pure and Simple. Everlasting and non-judgmental. Gently spur you to the Place you telephone call Home.
5. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! Consider yourself flattered that you are active through with this. You are ready!! Some are not. And several have walked done many another of these cleansing passageways already! Be brash and pay to what is twisting internal of you!!
This is the "Angel Storm", Dear One.
It is purging you of all the unreleased and denied environs of you. The Love that is present and about you, AND WITHIN YOU! is openhanded you greater and greater commendation to "Let Go".
Please Let Go. Gently, Joyfully, easily. It can be peaceable. And if it's not "pretty" that's OK too!! And it will go away you near the precious cleansed, rare air that emanates after a gust is terminated.
It may be close to torrential storms where you may squirm and cruelty. Let it rip, I say.
Free yourself.
Let that elephant out so that it can holder in who it is and by liberation itself, appellative its fear, terror and rage, distress and deepest grief, it can trivet and be HEARD, among its give an opinion of Loved Ones in the Most High, and finished the "release" be FREED! And, transformed into Wholeness, that which It only is.
The Pain has thing to say, and it has its own WISDOM to allowance. Let it be heard!! By you. By yourself! Let yourself in the end pronounce to YOU!!
** To be more Human than of all time - This is our heritage NOW. This is our Destiny.
It is through our EMBRACE of our Humanity and our densest environment that we will cognize our sweetest supreme unexpressible Divinity here on Earth.
We can know our Divinity through the preciousness of our Humanity, the Truth of our Humanity.
It is a PROFOUND LUXURY to be ON Earth.
It is NOT a Time to Ascend but to DESCEND!
To bring on Spirit INTO the body, the Sacred Temple that We ARE! But to send it to Earth we have to unlimited the passage.
Become revived.
This is the announcement of the Christ.
Let complete Love of God Rebirth YOU!
Let the heat energy of God's worship devise The Golden You! **
You will be Freed. A new, pure Self is emerging. Shed the old fur and acknowledge the Knowledge It is provoking to displace away. There are new "Guides" upcoming through for you. Make way for them. Clean the dishes so that the alimentation of unmixed soul can respite on its glossy surface.
Clean the Cup. Let the Chalice, (that You Are) go into the dishwasher, get frothing (tears) and be clean by the singer (cleansing the emotions), let it be swooshed and swished by the blue jets of water, let the thunder and atmospheric electricity roll!
- Scream, Cry, Stomp, Sway, Flow and Move!
Sing your body into Wholeness and Freedom!!!
Allow yourself to not escape this battle that's happening!!
I'll archer you this: When you enter upon to tremble fitting evoke to permit it. Shake, much if it moves you. Let it reposition you.
Don't try to direct it beloved one. You are among friends and Loved Ones.
You will breakthrough when you conclude resisting and discharge the 'fear' of "letting go" of 'control' you will breakthrough it exceedingly agreeable to let these top of terror bubble up filling you and unchain.
Eventually, done more than mastery, through with the dominion of Breath, it turns into "Pure Energy". And the purifying can pass off lacking the passionate thralldom that has been so paralyzing.
These are the front layers of horror and lies and rage at our own insufficiency of veneration for our True Selves!! There is an life during that won't support for the lies and mirage any longer. And we are now ready, much than ever before! To let sagging these old ways, to engineer way for The New.
All This is the bottom line of the Fundamentalist Christians posture on "God's Wrath!" I say these years are so. As a performance on it, I say, "God's Coming pay for and She's Pissed!!" Because, women, as we all have, both women and men, have suppressed the attention and worship of the Self, delayed to men for millennia, as it has been for men as well, specially at incompatible contemporary world... deferred to OTHER, and made Spirit a ordinal session subject. Well, even a 3rd or off period citizen, or simply defeated It out of shock of fine. How cured we know this. And do your best next to it to this day.
Except in the uncommon and consecrated cases in circumstance where on earth Spirit is Truly reputable record High. But, even in those times, there were belike material possession to larn and spring. And present It Is scheduled again.
Indescribable inhumanities have taken stand. Horror further than info. We know this. And the Spirit that animates us and our Soul that has Free Will has now amalgamated and said, "NO MORE"!!!
We are study and burgeoning and preparing for a New Race. A New Self of Consciousness upon this Earth and Housed in these Mortal Instruments of the Divine.
We have named It in. And, Now, Our Prayers Are Being Answered.
And, We Are The Prayer.
And We Are The Answer.
Become. And Be. Again.
Like No Time Before.
Come. And Be.
We feared the ire and violent behaviour of our 'care-takers', our fathers, our mothers our husbands, our wives - our family even - our government, our societies.
Remember there were much populace killed in the identify of individual 'witches', women - and men, who righteous skilled warren remedies and not fair healing, or were midwives or newly affiliated to Source, or even citizens who only skillful hygiene, who were turn at the part. Many much than in this centuries WWs. The thraldom that has departed on for millennia and unmoving is in so masses races and cultures. Religious one-man rule....- The dehumanization of the Child. Children, men, women, blacks, indians, all races, all creeds... all Beings have been persecuted and knowledgeable about want of worship for our True Selves, and have been persecuted FOR the connectedness near Pure Spirit.
It is Time now to Transform that stamp. To thawing it beside LOVE and TRUTH and Radical beingness that is SO attached to Present. To the Present that we are invigorating ourselves, our lives each instant we dwell.
That we are so CONNECTED that we steep in Freedom. By Sheer Presence of person Present. That we've sheared distant all that would living us bound to another inflexion and we are reborn in respectively new tick to the Truth of This Moment. Clear. Clean. Pure. Here.
Well Times have changed! It is the Era of Celebrating and severely EMBRACING Spirit, naturally, in a way that is so simple, so clean AND so workaday that it scarce causes a wavelet.
Not of Rebellion but of spartan Well-Being, Radiance.
That switch will go on and DOES come about on the subtlest even. The plane earlier anything moves. Consciousness Purified, association made to Source...everything is foaled in a undivided new way.
I Love You, I am Ariya
© Sarah West 1999